25 Nisan 2012 Çarşamba

Why You Cannot Trust TSH 3 and 4 Test Results for Thyroid Health and Wellness

I advise all of my clients to specify a full thyroid panel of tests when they get a checkup. Those of us with autoimmune diseases and those with degenerative diseases such as cancer, obesity and other potentially serious diseases often have undetected thyroid issues. In addition to those with health issues, men and women who are 40 and older, whether they have diseases or not, should request full thyroid panel testing when getting a physical.

I have vitiligo -- an autoimmune disease that is often seen as a symptom of a malfunctioning thyroid. Medical doctors were slow to recognize the correlation between thyroid health and vitiligo. I was one advocate in the 1990s who encouraged fellow vitiligo sufferers to take my research to their doctors and demand, if they had to, thyroid testing. Back then, most medical doctors thought of vitiligo as only a "cosmetic" disease. Unfortunately, many still do.

What I've found over the years is, many people like myself, have thyroid problems that go undetected when our doctors test for TSH 3 & 4, without more thorough testing. I've has symptoms of hypo-thyroidism most of my life, but not once has it ever shown up in TSH 3 & TSH4 tests. Ever.

I had a physical 2 weeks ago. I requested the full panel of thyroid tests. The doctor questioned why I wanted it, asking if I had problems in the past. Though my thyroid always tested within "normal" range, I have known I was hypo-thyroid pretty much all of my life based on my lifelong vitiligo and other symptoms such as low body temperature. So, I had to persuade this doctor to do what she should do for every patient -- fully check my thyroid for dysfunction.

When my test results came in the mail this past Monday, my TSH 3 and TSH 4 showed a perfectly normal thyroid range; however, the tests that I had to persuade the doctor to do showed a different story. It showed that I was bordering hypothyroid/Hashimoto's disease. These results are very typical of those of us with vitiligo and/or other autoimmune diseases. It is also typical of many sufferers of other diseases, and for many whose thyroid tests in normal range in the standard TSH 3 & TSH 4 tests.

Undetected thyroid problems are epidemic in the USA, and a large undetected part of the problems of obesity, diabetes and cancers, as many natural health professionals such as myself believe. In the USA, the average person gets little to no iodine in their diet, which is necessary to nourish the thyroid. Bread eaters are blocking absorption of the iodine that may occasionally get in their iodine-poor standard American diets. Supplementing iodine is mandatory for health, thanks to removal of iodine from, and the addition of bromine to bread products.

Since my 20's when I uncovered my own hypo-thyroidism/Hashimoto's tendency via symptoms and by performing the Basal Temperature Test, I've supplemented to improve and nourish my thyroid. My current regimen includes Iodoral iodine, plus raw thyroid glandular supplements to nourish my thyroid to function properly. My body usually signals me when my regimen needs tweaking. I encourage my clients to find a qualified endocrinologist in addition to learning how to monitor their own thyroids via the Basal Temperature test. Once clients learn the symptoms of thyroid problems and learn to listen to their bodies, they often can tell when something is off.

Since many doctors do not go beyond the TSH 3 & 4 thyroid tests, I encourage you to take a proactive role in your health care. Insist on full panel thyroid tests. If I had not insisted on the Thyroid Antibodies test, my bloodwork would've missed a very important fact -- I have a thyroid problem! Since the thyroid controls every metabolic process in my body, my entire state of health -- both physical and mental -- were at stake.

As stated earlier, I've regulated my thyroid since my early 20s and I can sense when my thyroid is off. I knew I had to up my supplements based on how I felt and how my body was holding onto weight. I listen to my body and I know when I either need to lower or raise my supplements, which changes with age, stress levels, lifestyle changes, etc.

A simple basal temperature thermometer is helpful to gauge your own thyroid health, with the Basal Temperature Test. Shake the thermometer down at night, and check your armpit temperature as soon as you awaken, without stirring much, for 5 consecutive days. If your temperature is consistently low, consider further testing, because it signals thyroid issues, despite TSH 3 and 4 results. Find a qualified endocrinologist who is open to your concerns and proactive stance regarding your health when asking for full panel thyroid testing. It could save your health, and ultimately, your life.

Wanakee is a Traditional Naturopath who leads the field in natural therapies for vitiligo, a disease she has had most of her life. Wanakee's Nutritional Approach to Vitiligo & Other Autoimmune Diseases is a nutritional based how to guide book for those who want to improve their health naturally, whether they have an autoimmune disease, degenerative disease or health issues related to aging or obesity.

Wanakee also works with those who have other skin ailments such as acne and eczema. Her children have suffered with severe eczema, allergies and asthma all of their lives. With more than 27 years of experience in dealing with these health maladies, Wanakee has developed a regimen to help control these illnesses with diet, supplements and other lifestyle changes.

For a free phone or email consultation with Dr. Kee, visit:

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What Is a TRH Stimulation Test?

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The thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH) stimulation test is a diagnostic method used to detect hypothyroidism, or an underactive thyroid gland. Three other tests that most practitioners typically order to detect thyroid hormone levels are the thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) test, the T3 and the T4.

To review the basic endocrinology behind thyroid function, the hypothalamus is the gland in the brain that secretes TRH. In turn, this stimulates the pituitary gland, also located in the brain, to release TSH. Finally, TSH stimulates the thyroid gland to produce thyroid hormones T3 and T4.

Hypothyroidism can present with a variety of symptoms, including feelings of fatigue and weakness, weight gain, intolerance to cold temperatures, forgetfulness and difficulty to think clearly, constipation and dry skin. Women can experience heavy or irregular menstrual periods. Untreated hypothyroidism in pregnant women can have harmful effects on their baby. If hypothyroidism is left untreated, cholesterol levels can elevate, thus increasing risks for a heart attack or stroke. Symptoms do present gradually over time. When symptoms do not subside or worsen, it is time to seek a diagnosis.

Until several years ago, the TRH stimulation test was the screening of choice for determining thyroid function. The THR stimulation test requires the collection of an initial baseline sample of blood, followed by an intravenous injection of a synthetic form of THR to stimulate the pituitary gland to release TSH. Additional blood samples are obtained over a period of time following the injection to track levels of TSH. The TRH stimulation test can be a valuable tool in confirming hypothyroidism in patients who exhibit obvious symptoms of the disorder, yet show borderline results on a TSH test. The TRH stimulation test can also identify secondary hypothyroidism, which results from a disorder of the pituitary gland, as well as tertiary hypothyroidism, which would be indicative of a disorder of the hypothalamus. Early detection of hypothyroidism, which can take years to develop and consistently be revealed on a TSH test, can be achieved with the TRH stimulation test at the onset of symptoms.

Today most physicians opt for the TSH test in lieu of the TRH stimulation test. The manufacturer discontinued production of protirelin, the injectable synthetic TRH used to perform the TRH test, several years ago. Injectable protirelin can be obtained through compounding pharmacies; however, physicians question the quality for use in the TRH stimulation test. The TSH test requires no such injections, only one blood sample is needed, and the test is much simpler to perform and interpret. The difference between the TSH test and the TRH test can be compared to a single photograph versus live film footage, respectively. The TSH is like one snapshot as it measures thyroid levels in one instant of time, the time at which the blood sample was obtained. The TRH stimulation test is more like a whole film segment, illustrating hormone levels over a period of time. Since TSH levels can change constantly due to an array of metabolic influences, a single reading can misrepresent how adequately the thyroid is functioning. The TRH stimulation test provides a more detailed picture.

Fortunately, hypothyroidism is easily treated, usually with prescribed thyroid hormone oral medication. Symptoms begin to abate fairly quickly and patients note marked improvement in their overall physical stamina and emotional outlook. The hypothyroid patient will likely remain on the medication for life and will be required to follow-up periodically with their physician. Thyroid hormone level screenings will also need to be performed regularly as directed by the physician in order to verify that the medication is continuously used at the ideal dosage for maintaining optimal thyroid function.

Early detection through a TRH stimulation test can lead to early intervention, thus relieving the patient with hypothyroidism of symptoms so that he or she can get back to enjoying a more positive quality of life.

Currently, doctors evaluate three blood test to see if your thyroid is low, TSH, T3 and T4. If you have questions regarding the TRH stimulation test, contact Raphael Kellman, M.D. at 212-7-1118

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What If Hashimoto's Is Ignored?

Hashimoto's disease is a medical condition where one's immune system attacks the thyroid gland. This results in thyroid gland inflammation, which causes damage and often leads to hypothyroidism or an underactive thyroid gland.

This medical condition affects both men and women alike of any age including children but more common in the middle-aged women.

The hard part about this disease is that there are no unique signs and symptoms that will point the disease right away. This condition progresses slowly over the years until there is a sudden drop in the thyroid levels. This means there is already a chronic damage in the thyroid.

Being the most common cause of hypothyroidism, their signs and symptoms are almost the same. Here are some of the signs and symptoms that should never be ignored:

Increased fatigue, sleepiness, and sluggishnessDepressionIncreased sensitivity to coldUnexplained weight gainPale and dry skinDry, coarse hairHair falling outElevated cholesterol levelHoarse voiceDecreased concentrationMuscle crampsMenorrhagia or prolonged or excessive menstrual bleedingPuffiness of the face especially around the eyes.

As soon as one notices some of these symptoms, one should already consult a doctor. Hashimoto's thyroiditis is treatable. Without treatment, symptoms may slowly become more severe that might lead to goiter or an enlarged thyroid gland.

What Causes Hashimoto's Disease

There is still no definite medical answer as to why one's immune system would attack its own thyroid gland. Doctors and researchers think it can be some type or bacteria triggering such response from the thyroid.

Hypothyroidism is the most known and common cause of Hashimoto's disease. There are several causes of hypothyroidism. It could be as simple as not enough iodine intake or could be a result of being treated with hyperthyroidism as the body's system tries to bounce back.

The Complications From Hashimoto's Disease

Every disease left untreated will seriously lead to a number of complications. It is always best to catch medical conditions at an early stage. This gives higher chances of responding to treatment, better prognosis, and a higher percentage for recovery.

If Hashimoto's disease remains untreated for a long period of time, here are just some of the complications that might arise:

Goiter - The most common complication arising from Hashimoto's disease. A condition where enough damage has been made to the thyroid gland making it severely enlarged.Heart Problems - Because of the elevation in cholesterol levels in a person with Hashimoto's disease or with hypothyroidism, this increases the chance for heart diseases.Mental Health Issues - As depression is one of the major symptoms in this ailment, it can grow more severe as time goes by it is untreated. This can lead to complications with sexual desire both for men and women.Myxedema - This most severe form of hypothyroidism can be a life-threatening condition.Birth Defects - This is why pregnant women are checked for thyroid hormone imbalances.

Dr. Marc Ott, D.C. opened what is today Integrative Physical Medicine of Orlando, where he has been making changes in peoples lives by helping them overcome and in many cases reverse thyroid dysfunction.

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Using Herbs for Hypothyroidism Recovery

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If you have been diagnosed with Hypothyroidism you are probably aware that the conventional method of tackling Hypothyroidism is done with a synthetic version of the Thyroid hormone Thyroxine (T4). This works great for some but others are left suffering from symptoms even though blood test results may show normal levels of T4. Fortunately there are alternatives and one of those is a natural treatment and this article will describe a basic natural treatment using herbs for Hypothyroidism treatment.

Treating Hypothyroidism purely just with herbs probably wouldn't work that well but when they are used alongside a healthy lifestyle, they can work extremely well. When using herbs for Hypothyroidism it is important to do so with the guidance of a professional who will be able to offer advice on the correct dosages and which herbs to take for your specific condition. If this option is expensive to you then there is an alternative as there are many books on treating Hypothyroidism naturally written by natural doctors and so this would be the next best thing.

As I mentioned above herbs should be used alongside a healthy lifestyle which should incorporate a detoxification program and the purpose of this is to eliminate toxins which have built up in the body over time. Diet is also a key factor and so it is important to stop consuming junk foods and also unhealthy snacks and drinks. A healthy diet should include foods which are beneficial to Thyroid function and try to include lots of organic fruit and vegetables.

Exercise is extremely important because this helps the body flush out toxins by improving circulation. This is also a great way to increase the temperature of the body which is often low in people with Hypothyroidism.

There are many herbs for Hypothyroidism treatment but some of the most common are Withania (which helps the body deal with stress), Bladderwrack (which stimulates Thyroid gland function),

Bacopa (which is an anti stress/anxiety tonic) and Guggol (which stimulates production of Thyroid hormones).

When treating Hypothyroidism naturally many are put off by the lifestyle changes needed for this method of treatment to be successful and it's true, it can be difficult at first but you have to remember the changes are good healthy changes which will benefit your health in many ways and after a short time you'll be glad of the changes as your health returns and you get your life back.

For more information on using natural treatments and herbs for Hypothyroidism please visit http://naturalremediesforhypothyroidism.com/.

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Understanding the Human Thyroid Gland

The thyroid gland is a gland located at the bottom part of the neck and is wrapped around the windpipe. It is responsible for producing and storing thyroid hormones that regulate body temperature, heart rate, blood pressure and the rate of conversion of food into energy.

The thyroid uses iodine, a mineral usually found in iodized salt, to make its hormones. Lack of iodine in the body may lead to thyroid diseases like goiter.

Common Thyroid Diseases

A dysfunctional thyroid gland may lead to some diseases like hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism and Hashimoto's thyroiditis or Hashimoto's disease.


Hypothyroidism happens when the body produces too little thyroid hormones. Since thyroid hormones are responsible for the rate of metabolism, a slow metabolism plus weight gain is the most common sign of this disease.

Also, people who suffer from hypothyroidism experiences great amounts of hair loss. Hypothyroidism is easily detected through a blood test. More often than not, treatment for this disease is as easy as taking one pill a day. However, it is still best to consult with a physician.


Hyperthyroidism is the total opposite of hypothyroidism. This disease is due to the over production of thyroid hormones. Some of its symptoms include fatigue, increased bowel movements and weight loss.

Hyperthyroidism may also be easily detected through a blood test. Treatments for hyperthyroidism include anti-thyroid drugs, radioactive iodine and surgery to remove some parts of the thyroid gland.

Hashimoto's Thyroiditis

Hashimoto's thyroiditis is more commonly known as Hashimoto's disease. This condition is caused by the inflammation of the thyroid gland. Hashimoto's thyroiditis may lead to hypothyroidism if left untreated. This disease is an autoimmune disease which means that the body's immune system unsuitably attacks the thyroid gland therefore causing inflammation.

Symptoms of this disease are almost the same as hypothyroidism. Unfortunately, there is no known cure for this disease because there are no ways to find out how long will the autoimmune process of the body will continue.

Caring for the Thyroid Gland

As the old saying goes, prevention is always better than cure. What then are the ways to protect the thyroid gland and to keep it healthy?

First thing to do is to have regular levels of iodine in the body. Iodine rich foods include cranberries, organic navy beans, organic strawberries, dairy products, potatoes and iodized salt. Also, some multivitamin supplements with iodine are available in drugstores.

Next, stay away from canned foods which affect the digestive enzymes of the body and may lead to a malfunctioning thyroid.

Lastly, avoid unnecessary exposure to radiation especially during CT scans especially on the head and neck. When dental X-rays need to be performed, make sure you are equipped with a thyroid shield.

Dr. Gerry Hinley, D.C. believes Chiropractic's philosophy that teaches a person could heal from within, without drugs, surgery or their harmful side effects. He opened Integrative Physical Medicine of Chicago, where he has been making changes in peoples lives by helping them overcome and in many cases reverse thyroid dysfunction.

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24 Nisan 2012 Salı

Understanding Hyperthyroidism

The thyroid gland is an important organ in the body which belongs to the endocrine system. It is the gland that takes control of the use of energy in the body, production of proteins, and the rate of metabolism. The thyroid produces what is known as the thyroid hormone. Its functions affect the body's growth and development.

The two leading problems faced by the thyroid are hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. An auto immune disease known as Hashimoto's thyroiditis or Hashimoto's disease is a disease that can lead to bouts of hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. This article will focus on hyperthyroidism and its effects on the body.

Hyperthyroidism is a condition where the thyroid produces too much of the thyroid hormone. As is well known, anything in excess is not good and this situation is no different. This is a condition where the thyroid gland is too active to be good for the body.

An auto immune disease that leads to cases of hyperthyroidism is Graves' disease. An overactive thyroid can also be cause by excessive iodine intake. While iodine is needed for the thyroid gland to produce the thyroid hormone, too much iodine can lead to overproduction of the hormone which can lead to hormonal imbalance that is in no way good for the body.

Symptoms of hyperthyroidism include:

PalpitationsFatigueWeight changes, specifically weight lossHair falling outFrequent bowel movementsMuscle weaknessFeelings of nervousnessIntolerance to heatLack of sleep or insomnia

An individual experiencing hyperthyroidism has weight loss due to a fast rate of metabolism. This is also why one has more frequent bowel movements. In contrast, people who have hypothyroidism have slow metabolism rates which make them have weight gain and in times, experience constipation.

Increased rate of metabolism makes a person feel more hot that usual. This is why individuals with hyperthyroidism have heat intolerance. Increased metabolism rate also speeds up the heartbeat leading to palpitations that attribute to feelings of nervousness.

Treatments of hyperthyroidism include surgery if the gland is not yet permanently damaged, radioactive iodine intake, and thyroid hormone replacement drugs to neutralize the thyroid hormone levels in the body.

As in all health situations, prevention is always better than cure. To avoid hyperthyroidism, make sure that the body has the proper iodine intake for the right amount of thyroid hormones produced. Avoiding environmental factors like exposure to second-hand smoke and too much iodine in the diet can lessen the risks of hyperthyroidism as well.

Dr. Marc Ott, D.C. opened what is today Integrative Physical Medicine of Orlando, where he has been making changes in peoples lives by helping them overcome and in many cases reverse thyroid dysfunction.

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Tiredness And Fatigue Caused By Hypothyroidism

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What is hypothyroidism? How does it cause tiredness? What are the symptoms and solutions? In this article, these are all the topics we are going to discuss.

The thyroid gland in the body is responsible for controlling metabolism. When it is super active, it releases too many hormones and the metabolic rate increases. This is a condition which is often referred to as hyperthyroidism. On the other hand, there is also a condition called hypothyroidism which is often associated with tiredness. In hypothyroidism, the thyroid becomes less active and fewer hormones are produced. As a result, the metabolic rate decreases and this causes tiredness.

Hypothyroidism is often characterized by different symptoms such as weight gain and weakness. People who have this condition also have short-term memory loss and weak immune system. It can also cause depression to some or trigger some heart problems.

There are many causes of hypothyroidism. The first possible cause is the lack of essential nutrients in the body. The thyroid gland does many important functions therefore it needs many nutrients to function well. Some of the nutrients it needs are vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin C and B-vitamins. It also needs iodine which can mostly be found in seafood, copper and selenium, as well as chromium and zinc. Another possible cause of hypothyroidism is toxicity. When there are too many toxins in the body, it can affect the thyroid's functions. Some substances may not be toxic to the body but they are toxic to the thyroid so you must be careful. Some of these substances are fluoride which can mostly be found in toothpaste, alcohol and preservatives.

To confirm whether or not you are experiencing hypothyroidism, you have to visit your doctor and undergo certain tests. Some of the tests that the doctor may suggest include test for T3 resin, FAMA and TSH. It will also be helpful if you keep track of your body temperature every day. If your body temperature is relatively low, it can be a sign that you have hypothyroidism.

There are different treatments for hypothyroidism and the most popular is the intake of thyroid hormones which are T3 and T4. Some doctors will prescribe medications to increase the function of the thyroid. Providing the right nutrients to the thyroid can also help in dealing with hypothyroidism. There are certain foods that you can add to your diet to ensure that your thyroid is healthy and it will not cause you tiredness. Some of the foods include root crops such as turnips and cassava, peanuts, cabbage and soya beans.

Exercise is also important in ensuring that your thyroid is functioning well. Hypothyroidism causes a person to gain weight and by exercising, you can prevent yourself from putting on so much weight. It also improves the circulation of blood in your body so the thyroid can get the nutrients it needs faster.

Hypothyroidism and tiredness are closely linked to each other. Solving hypothyroidism will also solve the tiredness that you are experiencing in your everyday life.

Hypothyroidism and other health conditions are closely linked to tiredness and fatigue. To learn how to solve the problem, visit the link provided.

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Thyroiditis Symptoms

Natural Alternative Cures with an Integrative Approach

Inflammation of the thyroid gland can result from many causes. The thyroid is located at the base of the neck just below the voice box. It makes hormones that control the rate at which cells burn fuel and how rapidly they create new fuel to store from food.

The most common form of thyroid inflammation is hypothyroidism, under-functioning of the thryroid, called Hashimoto's thryroiditis. Other forms are Postpartum, Subacute, drug-induced, radiation-induced and Acute.

Each different type of this disease has its own causes, clinical features, diagnoses, durations, resolutions, conditions and risks.

The Most Common Hypothyroid Symptoms

Common hypothyroid symptoms may include fatigue, weight gain, feeling "fuzzy headed," depression, dry skin, and constipation. Other, more rare symptoms include swelling of the legs, vague aches and pains, decreased concentration and so on. When conditions become more severe, depending on the type of thyroiditis, one may start to see puffiness around the eyes, slowing of the heart rate, a drop in body temperature, or even incipient heart failure. On the other hand, if the thyroid cell damage is acute, the thyroid hormone within the gland leaks out into the bloodstream causing symptoms of thyrotoxicosis, which is similar to those of hyperthyroidism. These symptoms include weight loss, irritability, anxiety, insomnia, fast heart rate, and fatigue.

Thyroiditis can also be caused by an infection, like a virus or bacteria, which works in the same way as antibodies to cause inflammation in the glands. Certain people make thyroid antibodies, and thyroiditis can be considered an autoimmune disease, because the body acts as if the thyroid gland is foreign tissue.

Just because antibodies are involved does not mean that the 'cause' has been found. The question as to why the antibodies are attacking in the first place still needs to be answered. To find the cure for the thyroid, regardless of the 'itis' requires doing what will allow the body to correct the malady and put an end to the malfunctioning endocrine gland. Even when bacteria is suspected in an 'infection', being that most infections are handled just fine by the body itself, why not consider encouraging the immune system to fight the 'infection' itself?

Often the simple answer to cure is simple blood testing for the thyroid hormones, T3, T4, T7, and thyroid stimulating hormone, TSH. Often basic nutrients are missing so that the thyroid can rebuild itself. We often find that free radicals, molecules missing an electron, or heavy metals such as arsenic, lead and mercury can interfere with chemical reactions....those heavy metals need to be chelated out of the body with oral chelating agents and the free radicals need to be neutralized with antioxidants.

Hormone replacement therapy should only be an option when the endocrine gland has been removed by surgery or eradicated with radiation treatments. As long as some of the endocrine gland remains, the safest approach is to nutrify it and detox the tissues at the same time after blood tests have confirmed the need. The blood test results can also serve as a yardstick to measure healing results on follow-up testing.

This is what a naturopathic, alternative approach encompasses...finding a way to allow the body to heal itself so that the person does not have to take a hormone replacement the rest of their life. When we give hormones to a person who is still able to produce some of the hormone themselves then we are actually encouraging the person to stop making their own hormones! This can only be to their detriment.

What about using bio-identical hormones? These molecules are closer to the original configuration of the molecule that the body makes itself. But the same problem exists...the body will be encouraged NOT to make its own hormone if another one is given orally from outside the body, as when we take pills.

Taking nutrients is different though. When we take nutrients orally, those molecules are molecules that are naturally found in foods in the form of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, trace minerals and enzymes. They usually are not hormone in nature. When we take these nutrients with our food, they mix with the food and make it more nutritious than it was before the mixing. If you look at how healthy our food was 100 years ago, compared to today, you would find a big difference. So when we mix nutritional pills with our food we are returning our food to the chemical strength it used to have 100 years ago.

The difficult part is determining which of the 2000 products in the health food store would be best for you. A 52 element blood test combined with a hair and urine analysis will yield about 103 separate pieces of information on which to choose the 10 or so most likely nutritional medicines to treat your thyroiditis.

Dr. Thomas has 33 years of experience treating chronic conditions.

Treating chronic disease is a complicated and tedious work. Most physicians can only spend a few minutes with each patient as their clinic owners and hospital management force them to keep on the move. Dr. Thomas spends half an hour just explaining what tests will be done...then he spends an hour going over the test results with you and discussing nutrient cures. He also requests that you check in with him once a month for at least a half hour to go over your symptoms and to discuss your nutrients.

33 years experience has taught Dr. Thomas the value of quality care, personal patient/doctor interaction and just what is required to obtain lasting results.

Refer to my website for more information on this topic and to watch videos from the television show I do on Nutritional Medicines by Lab Analysis.

Thyroiditis Symptoms

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Thyroiditis and Symptoms of Goiter

A basic overview of thyroid issues

What is that unsightly lump on your neck? A goiter, most likely. The thyroid gland enlarges when it is working overtime.

Most of what the thyroid makes is the hormone T4. It makes some T3 as well. Almost all of the T4 turns into T3 eventually and the T3 is up to 10 times stronger than the T4. This hormone goes to every cell in the body and affects the speed at which cells burn energy and create new storable energy from the foods we digest. It's like the thermostat, the accelerator and brake all combined.

If it isn't working well we have hypothyroidism, and if it's working overtime we have hyperthyroidism. When a goiter develops, the cells of the thyroid expand to produce more T3 and T4. It is a desperate attempt to make enough hormone. The swelling in size of the gland is referred to as an inflammation, hence the 'itis' on the end of 'thyroiditis'.

One who has a toxic goiter will present with symptoms of thyrotoxicosis such as hyperactivity, palpitation, a weight loss in spite of increased appetite and heat intolerance. And some goiters just remain inflamed and large even though the blood tests appear normal...so there are some mysteries surrounding this organ. Goiter not associated with hormonal imbalances may not cause any symptoms other than the presence of the mass at the base of the neck. Carcinoma must always be questioned whenever a mass is visible, however.

Naturopathic medicine looks at non-cancerous situations differently than pharmaceutical medicine. Pharmacy prescribers want to give hormones in the form of pills when the thyroid isn't making enough, and when it's making too much they want to bring in the surgeon and remove some or all of the thyroid. Functional physicians, naturopaths and all nutritionists want to get to the root of the problem and supply the tissues of the thyroid gland with the nutrients it needs to repair itself.

The thyroid is one of many endocrine glands. All of these glands make hormones and put them into the blood. When these molecular messengers get distributed into the systemic blood circulation, other body parts sense that they are there and if that part is sensitive to that hormone, it will respond in some way. TSH or thyroid stimulating hormone from the pituitary endocrine gland at the base of the brain is put into the systemic circulation with the explicit purpose of telling the thyroid endocrine gland in the neck to produce and release more thyroid hormone in to the circulation. So, one endocrine gland can influence another. And sometimes an endocrine gland can be stimulated to produce and expel by a nerve from the brain. It can get complex. In evaluating thyroid function all of these factors have to be understood in order to find the cause of the problem.

The newest thing to hit the nutritional/functional medical realm, years ago, was to take desiccated thyroid gland tissue in pill form. The idea was that the actual glandular meat of the thyroid gland of a pig or cow that was relatively healthy, would have all the nutrients needed to support our own human thyroids. For a while this product was removed from the shelves but is back on now and being widely used by non-pharmaceutical prescribers.

Alternative Medicines That Help With the Thyroid

Ninety percent of all thyroid goiters are caused by an iodine deficiency. Norwegian kelp is often recommended for this. Iodine, Selenium, Zinc, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Antioxidants, Essential Fats, and Amino Acids... are other numerous nutrients that can be ingested to help with thyroid functionality.

Alternative medicine is really the prescribing of nutrients for ailments. Functional medicine is the same thing. Integrative medicine uses medical diagnosis through lab testing of blood, hair and urine, and sometimes stool and saliva. The only real difference between alternative, functional, integrative and naturopathic prescribers and regular prescribers of orthodox substances, pharmaceuticals, is that the former use nutrients for medicines. Nutrients have no side effects and it is very difficult for them to ever do any harm. But since they can really cut into the monthly expense of the patient at the pharmacy, there are industry incentives to steer people away from nutrients. You'll have to make your own decision. But something to consider is that when you begin to feel better, you will want to cut back on your allopathic-meds, negotiate a change with your prescriber, and see if you can feel even better with a reduction in meds or eliminating some of them. You will know what to do.

Dr. Thomas has 33 years of experience treating chronic conditions.

Treating chronic disease is a complicated and tedious work. Most physicians can only spend a few minutes with each patient as their clinic owners and hospital management force them to keep on the move. Dr. Thomas spends half an hour just explaining what tests will be done...then he spends an hour going over the test results with you and discussing nutrient cures. He also requests that you check in with him once a month for at least a half hour to go over your symptoms and to discuss your nutrients.

33 years experience has taught Dr. Thomas the value of quality care, personal patient/doctor interaction and just what is required to obtain lasting results.

Refer to my website for more information on this topic and to watch videos from the television show I do on Nutritional Medicines by Lab Analysis.

Thyroiditis and Symptoms of Goiter

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Thyroid Problems After Pregnancy

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Hormonal Changes During Pregnancy

When a woman is pregnant, her body produces more hormones than usual. This is the cause of mood swings, changes in appetite, having feelings of extreme tiredness, or excessive sleepiness. When the baby is finally out it the world, mommy's hormones are still adjusting. One gland of the endocrine system that is affected by pregnancy is the thyroid.

During pregnancy, the thyroid gets a little bigger. This, in turn, has impact on the thyroid's production of hormones that regulate a person's metabolism, energy use, and protein production. A woman who is with child should have a balanced intake of iodine to avoid problems with the thyroid during pregnancy and after giving birth.

While pregnancy causes changes in the thyroid gland and its production of the thyroid hormone, it can also lead to certain thyroid conditions such as hyperthyroidism where there is overproduction of thyroid hormones, or hypothyroidism where a woman has an under-active thyroid gland.

This condition is called postpartum thyroiditis (PPT). It usually follows the pattern of having hyperthyroidism which is then followed by hypothyroidism.

What is PPT?

PPT is a condition that manifests its symptoms from one to eight months after giving birth. Considered as an auto immune condition, PPT can cause hyperthyroidism that can last from a month or two. This condition is similar to two other auto immune diseases that affect the thyroid gland namely; Grave's disease and Hashimoto's disease which is also called Hashimoto's thyroiditis. PPT is said to be a variation of Hashimoto's thyroiditis.

Some of the most common symptoms are:

Weight gain or weight loss depending on the level of thyroid hormone producedFatigueExcessive sleepinessDry hair that may lead to hair falling outRapid heartbeat and lack of concentrationDecreased amount of milk produced for breastfeeding.

What Can Be Done?

Avoiding PPT can be done by having a balanced diet that has the right amount of iodine for the mother and the baby's needs. If needed, supplements to adjust the level of the thyroid hormone to the normal state may be needed.

The symptoms present above may not immediately be seen after giving birth. An interval of one to eight months is the span where such symptoms may manifest themselves. Treatment can be done by taking replacement thyroid hormones prescribed by the OB-gynecologist.

In some cases, the thyroid gets too damaged by the hormone production changes it has undergone and may not return to its normal function. When this happens, the woman may need to have lifelong medications to compensate for the loss of thyroid function.

Dr. Jonathan Berns, D.C. helps people everyday in the Tampa, Florida area overcome the very misunderstood and often mistreated conditions caused from dysfunctional thyroids. Visit Tampa Thyroid Program at Integrative Physical Medicine of Tampa to learn more about thyroid management.

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Thyroid Hormone Replacement

The thyroid is the gland responsible for taking control of the body's metabolism, protein production, and other processes related to growth and development. The hormone, produced by this gland is an important hormone that the body needs to grow and properly develop.

Iodine and Its Role in the Body

To produce the hormone, the thyroid needs iodine. However, iodine is a trace element and the body cannot produce it on its own. Having a sufficient amount of iodine in the body is essential for the production of the thyroid hormone. Lack of iodine in the body can cause problems that specifically affect the thyroid gland.

There are two leading problems experienced by the thyroid; hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. These conditions lead to over production or an underactive thyroid gland respectively. Symptoms vary but some include weight loss or weight gain depending on the condition, feeling stressed, hair falling out, diarrhea, and problems with the bowel.

Another problem that directly affects the thyroid gland is Hashimoto's thyroiditis or Hashimoto's disease. It is a form of auto immune disease where the body registers the thyroid gland as a foreign body and attacks to destroy it. In severe cases, the thyroid cells are destroyed and the gland can no longer produce the thyroid hormone.

When this occurs, a person may suffer from symptoms of hypothyroidism with some instances of hypothyroidism. The irregularity of thyroid hormone production is not good but when the thyroid is destroyed, it is permanent.

What is Thyroid Hormone Replacement?

The good thing is that hormone replacement is available for individuals who need help with thyroid issues. Some conditions of hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism can last for long periods of time and during this period, it is best to consult a doctor to see if hormone replacement is an option that an individual can have.

Hormone replacement therapy is done when an individual has permanent or long term need of thyroid hormones that the gland is failing to produce. Hormone replacement is done by using synthetic hormones similar to the thyroid hormone of the body. The synthetic hormone will then make up for the low or overproduction of hormones from the malfunctioning thyroid gland.

When a person's thyroid is not functioning normally, a blood workup can be done to determine whether that person will need thyroid hormone replacement therapy, especially is the hormones are already too high or too low.

Consulting a doctor to determine the proper dosage of replacement for thyroid hormones is advised for people who have been suffering from thyroid problems for a long time already.

Dr. Marc Ott, D.C. opened what is today Integrative Physical Medicine of Orlando, where he has been making changes in peoples lives by helping them overcome and in many cases reverse thyroid dysfunction.

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This Is the Best Way to Heal Hypothyroidism Naturally

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Hypothyroidism is a condition where the Thyroid gland starts to under perform and this can manifest a whole lot of symptoms. This is because the Thyroid gland is like the gas pedal of the body and controls how energy is used and distributed so when the Thyroid gland is running slow energy decreases and symptoms affecting many parts of the body occur. Conventional methods of treating Hypothyroidism only treat the symptoms by topping up with hormones whereas natural methods will treat the root cause which allows healing to occur. This article will outline the steps needed to heal Hypothyroidism naturally.

To heal Hypothyroidism naturally it is essential to make healthy lifestyle changes. So what is meant by healthy lifestyle changes? Firstly, diet should be addressed and if it is not healthy then it needs to be looked at. This means avoiding junk foods and unhealthy snacks and drinks and consuming more things life organic vegetables and fruit. This may seem horrible to you at first but after a little while you'll feel a great deal better just by making this change alone.

It is possible that a build up of toxicity in the body has occurred and this can be from environmental toxins, parasites and heavy metals. To eliminate toxins from the body, a protocol using herbal supplements and/or tinctures should be used. Herbal tinctures and supplements may also be used to provide additional nutrients in order to aid in the restoration of ones health.

Additionally, I want to point out the importance of exercise because without any exercise there is not much chance that you will feel any better. This is because exercise helps to get the blood circulating round the body as it should flushing out toxins which may have accumulated. It is also a great way of raising your body temperature!

By following the advice above it can be possible to heal Hypothyroidism naturally but you may be thinking what foods can I eat or what supplements should I take. I strongly advise you to only take supplements and/or tinctures under the guidance of a qualified naturopath (natural doctor) or for an inexpensive option, by following one of the many books written by a qualified naturopath. Fortunately there are many books on healing Hypothyroidism naturally available. The lifestyle changes may seem momentous at first but I can promise you that after a little while, when you start to see all the health benefits,you'll wonder why you made all the fuss.

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23 Nisan 2012 Pazartesi

The Problem With T4 Medicines

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The dismal decade of the 1960s introduced a typhoon of cultural catastrophes. And heading the list were thyroid blood tests and Synthroid.

If you know anything about the 60s, your boggled mind can only try to comprehend catastrophes capable of topping all the other debacles of that decade.

And, thanks to your government in action, they still work their woe. Patients from sea to shining sea-and around the world-suffer endlessly and needlessly because of thyroid blood tests and Synthroid, so we need to talk about this.

While the tests and Synthroid are equally disastrous, let's look at Synthroid today.

Natural thyroid has five parts, T4 (the amino acid tyrosine plus four iodine molecules), T3 (tyrosine with three iodine molecules), T2 (tyrosine with two iodine molecules), T1 (tyrosine with one iodine molecule) and calcitonin.

T4 doesn't do a whole lot, while T3 has mucho mojo to energize our cells. When your body needs more of the good juice, it converts some T4 to T3 to keep the party going.

The T4/T3 conversion, which happens mostly in the liver, can't happen without adequate vitamins and minerals-Vitamin B, iodine and selenium as three examples. Label this as problem #1, since most of us are deficient.

But it means we can help-and sometimes correct-thyroid problems just by building a strong vitamin/mineral program and sticking to it. Did you know, for instance, that a simple copper/zinc imbalance can make you hypo or hyper, depending on which way the imbalance tilts? But I digress.

How did we get in this mess? When we don't crank out enough thyroid hormone, we spend our days doing beached whale impressions, and all this misery made visions of dollar signs dance in the heads of crackerjack drug developers. "Let's make synthetic thyroid hormone," they cried, and so Synthroid was born.

But it's not actually synthetic thyroid hormone; it's synthetic T4, only one part of the real thing.

Since T4 converts to T3, they skipped the T3 part. And since they decided T2, T1 and calcitonin were unnecessary, they skipped them, too.

But their synthetic T4 doesn't look much like the real thing, and our bodies really, really don't like ugly synthetics. Convert it to T3? How? It doesn't even recognize this stuff.

As a consequence, then, we don't get T3, which you'll remember is where the mojo is.

And it gets worse. It turns out T2 and T1 do a lot of the stuff T3 gets credit for, and they're nowhere to be seen in this scenario.

So Synthroid patients get a synthetic drug their bodies don't know how to handle, and no T3, T2, T1. And you wonder why you're dragging bottom?

But here's the kicker. While Synthroid doesn't treat hypothyroidism, it does make the blood tests look normal. You're still hypothyroid-and at major risk of heart disease, cancer and all sorts of stuff, but the tests say you're fine.

And still the bad beat goes on. Low thyroid leads to low calcitonin, and low calcitonin leads to osteoporosis. Synthroid has no calcitonin to take up the slack, and now there's increasing chatter that Synthroid actually eats our bones.

Doctors say osteoporosis comes only from a thyroid overdose. Fact is, no dose of natural thyroid causes osteoporosis, no matter how high, but any dose of Synthroid does, no matter how low.

Bottom line: While the tests look really good, Synthroid doesn't treat hypothyroidism; it just causes osteoporosis.

But governments around the world insist it's the only medicine hypothyroid patients can have.

The UK's National Health Service allows only Synthroid or one of its ugly generic cousins. Same with most of the European Union. In the U.S., military doctors are forbidden to prescribe natural thyroid. Same with Medicare. And probably Medicaid.

What are those famous words? "I'm from the government, and I'm here to help." It's a payoff, pure and simple, but nobody seems to be of a mind to stop it.

Bette Dowdell has studied how the body works-or doesn't-for years to dig herself out of the ditch of endocrine problems when doctors didn't help so much. Now she offers an e-zine to share her knowledge with you-what's good, what's bad and what's the difference. Subscribe to her free weekly e-zine at http://toopoopedtoparticipate.com/. Start discovering how to get your energy and enthusiasm back.

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The Importance of Iodine in Thyroid Hormone Production

The most common thyroid problems arise from either overproduction or under-production of the thyroid gland. These most common thyroid problems are both directly related to iodine as it plays a very important role in thyroid hormone production.

Hyperthyroidism is also known as an overactive thyroid disease where there is production of too much thyroid hormone. This can happen as a result of taking too much iodine, whether in diet or drug intake. An example of which drug is amiodarone, which is commonly used to treat persons with irregular heartbeats.

Hypothyroidism is also known as under-active thyroid disease where there is under-production of thyroid hormones. This can happen as a result of iodine deficiency.

Iodine plays a very important role in thyroid hormone production. It is one of the essential minerals needed by the thyroid gland for production of thyroid hormones. The right amount of iodine is, therefore, needed for optimal thyroid function..

Severe iodine deficiency is known to cause hypothyroidism, developmental brain disorders, and severe goiter. A less severe iron deficiency is known to be linked to both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism and thyroid enlargements. From this, we can see the utmost importance of just the right amount of iodine in our system..

Studies showed that a daily intake of 150 micrograms of iodine a day is needed for optimal thyroid function. The two thyroid hormones namely thyroxine and triiodothyronine are dependent on iodine, as well as, the amino acid tyrosine..

How to Avoid Iodine Deficiency

Iodine sufficiency is usually a result of not having enough iodine in one's diet. Our body cannot make iodine. We have to rely on external means of getting it into our system. Iodine is naturally present in the soil but since most soils today are also iodine deficient, we have to opt for the iodized table salts to get our daily supply.

Iodine is also naturally present in seawater. It is also present in some foods but since iodine amount is not listed in food packaging, here are some of the foods that are rich in iodine:

Dairy productsSeafood especially shellfishMeatBreadsEggsMultivitamin containing iodineYogurt/Frozen yogurt/Ice creamSeaweedSoy milk/Soy sauce

Persons with known thyroid problems should always consult a physician first before taking any iodine supplement or medication. Any kind of iodine supplementation should be maintained at a safe level to prevent any adverse and opposite effects that could potentially make problems even worse.

Dr. Gerry Hinley, D.C. believes Chiropractic's philosophy that teaches a person could heal from within, without drugs, surgery or their harmful side effects. He opened Integrative Physical Medicine of Chicago, where he has been making changes in peoples lives by helping them overcome and in many cases reverse thyroid dysfunction.

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The Difference Between Hyperthyroidism and Hypothyroidism

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What Is Hyperthyroidism?

Hyperthyroidism is also known as over-active thyroid. It is a medical condition where the thyroid gland is over-active as it produces too much thyroid hormone making metabolism go at a faster pace than it should.

Here are some of the factors, diseases, and conditions that can cause hyperthyroidism:

Too much iodineThyroiditis or thyroid gland inflammationBenign growths in the thyroid or pituitary glandToo much thyroid hormoneReproductive gland tumorsGrave's disease - An autoimmune disease where one's immune system attacks the thyroid gland itself.

Here are the most common signs and symptoms of hyperthyroidism:

Concentration difficultyIncreasing fatigue, restlessness, and nervousness.Mood swingsRapid heart rateShaking handsHair falling outSkin flushing and itchingIncreased appetite but does not gain weightIrregularity in menstrual periods and flowIncreased bowel movements

Hyperthyroidism Diagnosis and Treatment

Physical exam and blood tests are the most usual tests done to determine whether you have hyperthyroidism or not. Most times, this condition is detected without the intention of doing so.

Here are the different kinds of treatment your physician might offer you:

Beta-blockers - For symptom control.Radioactive iodine - The most common treatment that intends to destroy a part of the thyroid gland without harming other glands.Anti-thyroid medicine - Works for those persons with very mild symptoms.Surgery - Always the last option.

What is Hypothyroidism?

Hypothyroidism is a medical condition where in the thyroid gland is not able to produce enough thyroid hormone making metabolism go at a slower pace than it should. This condition is the entire opposite of hyperthyroidism. It is also known as under-active thyroid.

The most common cause is thyroid gland inflammation and Hashimoto's disease. These viral and autoimmune types of diseases severely damages thyroid gland cells destroying them. Here are the other causes:

Congenital birth defectsHashimoto's thyroiditisRadiation treatmentsThyroid gland removalViral thyroiditis

Here are some of the signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism:

Decreased bowel movementsDepressionFatigueDry skinBrittle hair and nailsUnintentional weight gainMemory problems

Diagnosis and Treatment

Diagnosis is just the same with hyperthyroidism. However, treatment is the exact opposite. The most common treatment is taking the hormone lacking. Doctors usually prescribe levothyroxine.

Hyperthyroidism and Hypothyroidism at a Glance

Most thyroid gland diseases or conditions can be hereditary or genetically linked, while some is due to certain situational triggers like pregnancy. Both thyroid conditions are very treatable especially if caught early on.

These two medical conditions are totally inversely related to each other. One is too much while the other is too low.

For hyperthyroidism, the downside with the treatment is that they tend to reverse the hormone production of the thyroid gland too much that sometimes, it ends up to having hypothyroidism. Should hyperthyroidism be left untreated, it could lead to some serious consequences.

Dr. Jonathan Berns, D.C. helps people everyday in the Tampa, Florida area overcome the very misunderstood and often mistreated conditions caused from dysfunctional thyroids. Visit Tampa Thyroid Program at Integrative Physical Medicine of Tampa to learn more about thyroid management.

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Review Of The Thyroid Gland: What It Is And What It Does

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The thyroid gland is a small soft piece of tissue in your neck. It weighs only 15 to 25 grams-less than an ounce. It is often said it is shaped like a shield the word thyroid comes from the Greek for shield. It sits in two halves on either side of your trachea, or windpipe, although, there is a small bridge of tissue joining the halves. Each half, is known as a lobe, and is about 4cm long and 1 to 2cm in width. The bridge of tissue is known as the isthmus. Because your thyroid is connected to the muscles around your throat, it moves when you swallow. You cannot feel it normally only when it is swollen or when there is something wrong with it. Your thyroid is easiest to feel from behind while you are swallowing. This is why your doctor may have asked you to sit down and drink a cup of water, whilst he or she felt your neck from behind. The thyroid's main role in life is to control how quick your body works. It does this through two hormones that it produces. Hormones are chemicals produced within the body which circulate through the bloodstream and affect particular cells in a particular way. For example, the hormone insulin makes the thyroid easier for cells to absorb the glucose they need for their energy. The female hormone oestrogen affects the uterus and many other parts of a woman's body to give her the normal female characteristics.

The male hormone testosterone controls men's gender attributes. If the thyroid gland just secreted hormones when it felt like it, your life would be a rollercoaster ride of too much, then too little, then too much again. Some control is needed. That comes from the brain. A small part of the centre of your brain known as the hypothalamus secretes a chemical known as TRH, or thyrotropin releasing hormone. TRH travels to the pituitary, which is a small gland sitting at the bottom of your brain, and stimulates the release of the thyroid-stimulating hormone. TSH is also sometimes called thyrotropin. TSH then travels through the blood supply to the thyroid, where it rouses the production and release of the thyroid hormones. About 1 in 40 people to America have some sort of problem with their thyroid. There are two different types of problems you can have. One type of problem occurs if your thyroid grows abnormally, or forms a lump. The other type of problem occurs if your thyroid starts working too fast or too slow. Sometimes these problems occur together. At other times, you can have one type of problem without the other. If your thyroid is working properly but looks abnormal, you might or might not need to have any treatment. That is a topic for you and your doctor to decide. If your thyroid is not working properly, your whole body metabolism is thrown out of kilter, and you will need to see your doctor for some medical attention. If your thyroid is working too hard, everything in your body speeds up. That is known as hyperthyroidism. "Hyper"comes from the Greek, meaning "over", "beyond" or "over much". If it is working too slowly, your metabolism slows down. That is known as hypothyroidism, "Hypo, also, comes from the Greek, meaning under".

Are you having problems with your thyroid gland, pituitary gland or any other thyroid symptoms? Then I would highly recommend taking a visit to this link http://www.vitaminssupplementsnutritionalmedicines.info/

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Low Thyroid Symptoms and Stress Are a Dangerous Combination

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Low Thyroid Symptoms and Stress are a Dangerous Combination

We all know stress is bad for us. But how does it relate to the way you are feeling when you have low thyroid symptoms?

First of all, when you are stressed, you release interleukin 17, or IL 17 for short. They are cytokines that are highly inflammatory in nature.

As I have talked about in many other posts, the majority of people suffering with low thyroid symptoms in the United States have an autoimmune condition called Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. It is a condition where your thyroid tissue is attacked and destroyed by your own body. As you can imagine, when the body attacks itself, there is a large amount of inflammation produced. So when you release these other chemicals in the body that cause more inflammation, it only makes your symptoms worse.

Symptoms that are commonly associated with low thyroid or high TSH are:

• Often feeling cold
• Cold hands and feet
• High or rising cholesterol
• Constipation
• No eyebrows or thinning outer eyebrows
• Exhaustion in every dimension-physical, mental, spiritual, emotional
• Dry Hair
• Sore feet
• colitis
• irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
• painful bladder
• Heart disease
• Hair Loss
• Requires naps in the afternoon
• Depression
• Raised temperature
• Headaches and migraines
• Joint pain
• Major anxiety/worry
• Acne on face and in hair
• Breakout on chest and arms
• Hives
• Bizarre and Debilitating reaction to exercise
• Hard stools
• Less stamina than others
• Less energy than others
• Long recovery period after any activity
• Chronic Low Grade Depression
• Palpitations
• Hard stools
• Dry cracking skin
• Insomnia
• Brain Fog
• Decreased sex drive
• Nausea
• Aching muscles
• Lack of motivation
• Swollen ankle
• Inability to lose weight (even with exercise and low calorie diet)
• Sleep Apnea
• Inability to get pregnant; miscarriages

So when you have any of these symptoms, and you get stressed out, it is like throwing gasoline on the fire.

Another reason that stress is bad for low thyroid sufferers is because the pituitary gland gets suppressed secondary to elevation of cortisol. Cortisol is produce by your adrenal glands and is released when you have stress. The adrenal glands are part of you autonomic nervous system. It is the system that has to do with fight or flight and with all the organs in the body, including the heart, lungs, stomach, GI system, pancreas, etc. What controls the autonomic nervous system? Your brain controls the autonomic nervous system, and the brain doesn't like large fluctuations in the cortisol either.

Chronic stress can cause elevation in the cortisol which causes suppression of the pituitary and reduces the amount of Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) released. I won't get into all the pathways associated with the brain, thyroid, and adrenal glands because you don't have to know them. But your doctor does.

Don't go run out and buy supplements to support your adrenals. That mentality could just rob Peter to pay Paul. You have to look at how all of the body is functioning before you ever start thinking about supporting the adrenals.

The easy answer is to not get stressed out.....but that is unrealistic.

The key to stress is finding a way to deal with it in an appropriate manner.

Find something that you enjoy and that relaxes you, and then do it on a daily basis. Some of you reading this are probably saying that you love to exercise, but can't due to fatigue, pain, etc. I understand. There is another key to stress.

The other key to stress is finding out why you are not feeling the way you should. It is not normal to have symptoms.

You need to find a doctor that understands what we have talked about and who can look over your lab results, sit down and listen to your symptoms, examine you, and come up with a way to get your body to heal itself back up, the way it was designed to do. You need a doctor that will look at everything happening in your body- not just your thyroid or adrenals.

Dr. Chris Heimlich is a Board Certified Chiropractic Neurologist and treats people from around the world. You can request his free report that explains why 90% of people diagnosed with hypothyroidis will never feel normal with thyroid hormone replacement alone at: http://scottsdalethyroiddoctor.com/

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22 Nisan 2012 Pazar

Learn Why Hashimoto's Disease Turns Your Body on Itself

Hashimoto's thyroiditis is also known as Hashimoto's disease. It is the first auto immune disease discovered. Hashimoto's thyroiditis affects the thyroid gland and its production of the thyroid hormone.

The thyroid gland is in control of protein production, regulation of the metabolism, and distribution of energy use for various processes in the body. This disease affects the body's normal functions related to the tasks of the thyroid gland.

People with Hashimoto's have inflamed thyroid glands. Being an auto immune disease, the body attacks the gland and damages the said gland. Two types of antibodies are responsible for inflaming the thyroid gland; Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies (TPO) and Thyroglobulin Antibodies. They attack the thyroid and damage its epithelial cells. A blood test can determine whether a person has Hashimoto's thyroiditis.

Symptoms include:

Weight gain due to imbalance of metabolismIntolerance to the coldDry hair that could eventually lead to hair falling outLack of focus and energyConstipationSwelling of the legs

Common Causes for Hashimoto's Thyroiditis

When the thyroid gland is not in its normal condition, production of the thyroid hormone is affected. The thyroid can either produce too much thyroid hormone (hyperthyroiditis) or be under active and not produce the enough hormones needed (hypothyroidism).

Hypothyroidism is most commonly caused by Hashimoto's thyroiditis. Thus, the symptoms of an individual with Hashimoto's thyroiditis are very similar to those of one with hypothyroidism. Sometimes, Hashimoto's disease is misdiagnosed as chronic fatigue syndrome, or even depression.

Genetically, Hashimoto's can be present and common among family members. This auto immune disease is related to the HLA-DR5 gene and the CTLA-4 gene. There are also environmental factors that can lead to Hashimoto's disease.

Too much iodine intake and exposure to tobacco or smoke from cigarettes can lead to this as well. People with a family history of Hashimoto's should avoid such environmental factors.

What Can Be Done?

Individuals with Hashimoto's can experience bursts of hypothyroidism. Consistently getting checked by a doctor for the rate of thyroid hormones produced or needed is advised. In some severe cases where the thyroid gland is too damaged or inflamed, thyroid hormone replacement may be needed. This will balance the thyroid hormones in the body. Undergoing thyroid hormone therapy is one of the leading solutions for thyroid problems.

Leaving the condition untreated may lead to body malfunctions like muscle failure which can lead to heart failure. In children, growth may slow down because of the thyroid gland's abnormal condition that affects the processes needed for proper maturation.

Dr. Gerry Hinley, D.C. believes Chiropractic's philosophy that teaches a person could heal from within, without drugs, surgery or their harmful side effects. He opened Integrative Physical Medicine of Chicago, where he has been making changes in peoples lives by helping them overcome and in many cases reverse thyroid dysfunction.

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Is Your Floridated Water Making You Fat?

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And the battle against fluoride in the water continues as we learn more about what this chemical can do. As early as 1961 studies found that fluoride was a lethal substance and that although it is found naturally in nature, the concentrations in a water supply that are added with the intention to support strong bones and teeth are actually lethal. They build up in the system and if you drink a lot of water, or use water to make drinks like coffee, tea,or soft drinks, you probably get even more than most people.

Keep in mind that we are not talking about the naturally occurring fluoride. Calcium fluoride, the naturally occurring form of fluoride, is not toxic, but this form of fluoride is not used to fluoridate water, and is not used in toothpaste.

According to an article by Ron Harder, Nutritional Health Consultant, Iridologist, and Author of "How to DEFEAT CANCER NATURALLY without Chemo, Radiation, or Surgery, "The salts used to fluoridate your water supply, sodium fluoride and fluorosalicic acid, are industrial by-products that are so notoriously toxic that they are used in rat poison and insecticides. This is the fluoride used in your water supply"

This is the toxic fluoride I am referring to in this article.

New studies are finding that people are suffering weight gain triggered by the thyroid gland.

The thyroid gland uses fluoride to trigger weight gain by producing an imposter hormone. You could also feel fatigued, depressed or even have a loss of hair. This is because the artificially introduced fluoride blocks the iodine receptors in the thyroid gland.

Iodine is required by the thyroid gland to produce thyroxine, the metabolism boosting hormone. The imposter hormone that is produced by a blocked thyroid is measured as thyroxine in blood tests. This makes detection nearly impossible.

Al this leads to an increase in weight, especially if you are on one of those diets requiring you to drink lots of water and you opt for tap water, even if it is filtered by one of those household filters like Brita or Pur. They don't remove fluoride.

If you want to remove fluoride from your drinking water you have a couple of options. You can get a reverse osmosis or ceramic purification filter. Doulton Undercounter Water Filter can be acquired for around $135 as an example.

You could avoid the problem by drinking only bottled fluoride free water. Arrowhead and Crystal Geyser are a couple of companies that provide water that is free of fluoride.

Next you need to restore your thyroid to normal. Plan to eat more iodine-rich foods like eggs, potatoes, shrimp, cod, or seaweed. Consuming a serving of these each day can help restore normal iodine levels to give your thyroid the building blocks it needs to jump-start your metabolism.

As always, talk to your medical team to decide if you are suffering from an under or over active thyroid gland. After my sister was diagnosed with Thyroid cancer, we all suddenly became aware of how important this little gland really is. I hope you will take a moment to think about how important it is to your overall health.

Not sure if your area uses fluoride in the water supply? Go to apps.nccd.cdc.gov/mwf/ to find out if you live in one of the sixty percent of American households that have fluoride added to their water.

I am Barbara Cagle. As Chief cook and bottle washer for our family, teacher, and sales and Marketing professional, I have picked up some great tips that I love to share. Be sure to check out all the free content available to you at Cagleonline and its associated sites. For great cooking tips and recipes visit us at Mealtime.us.

I am Mealtime | Cagleonline 'Cutting my own way... sharing the life I have grown since 2001.

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Iodine If You Don't Know Where, What and Why, Prescribe Ye Then K and I (Old Medical Saying)

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In clinical practice, the number of women easily identifiable as thyroid deficient has grown to epidemic proportions. Many have gone to their Doctors, have had the standard test; are re-assured they are fine, but are not. It seems the test is unreliable. Dr. David Brownstein in his book; "Iodine why you need it, why you can't live without it", quotes from a NHAES study showing iodine levels in the USA have dropped by 50% over the thirty years spanning from 1970 until 2000. Iodine plays a key role in thyroid health. More frighteningly he also points out low iodine levels in pregnant women have increased by 690%. Something is wrong, and we need to ask what!

In spite of massive spending on health care; money that mostly goes on pharmaceutical products, overall health is declining. True, acute disease has lessened significantly, but chronic illness has risen. Maybe, many of the things we are told that are beneficial for us, are not! As a population, we have been misinformed, but why? Most people have never heard of the Georgia Guidestones. The structure, also known as "The American Stonehenge", is located in Elberton, Georgia. The center cluster of the stones was erected in 1980; the site is dedicated to, "The Age of Reason". On the tablets are written ten guidelines in eight different languages. The first principle states: "Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature." Today, the world's population is a little over seven billion; to reach half a billion requires culling six and a half billion! Conspiracy theorists tell you this is the intention of the Illuminati or New World Order. As I consider the drastic consequences of poor health, it seems that the conspiracy theorists might be right after all!

We were told the thyroid problem was solved by the introduction of iodized salt in the 1920s. Women, who lived remote from iodine rich soil, usually found near the life-giving influence of the sea, suffered thyroid enlargement. As the deficient gland had to overwork it increased in size producing a strangulating goiter. They found adding a 5% potassium iodine solution to table salt, gave just enough iodine to prevent goiters growing, but not enough to remedy more subtle thyroid dysfunctions. Sadly, the refining also removed most of the minerals in sea salt. Table salt is now found widely around the world. Seventy-nine percent of households in Thailand, for example, use it.

Until 1950 underactive thyroid was treated with iodine supplementation. No, this is not the product you buy in the pharmacy to dab on wounds! This form is poisonous because it contains alcohol which must never be ingested. Instead, Iodine and its relative iodide are available in liquid and tablet variety. The popularity of iodine, hit a brick wall when the "Wolff-Chaikoff" study emerged from the University of California, Berkeley in 1947. It flew in the face of contemporary thinking; stating any iodine intake in excess of 2 mgs was excessive and potentially harmful. They claimed greater amounts caused hypothyroidism. This was not a scientific fact because hormone levels were never measured to support the argument. This warning then entered the annals of medical knowledge. So Doctors stopped prescribing iodine for thyroid conditions.

The other successful treatment option is by means of protomorphogens this translates as a substance taken from an animal source, normally porcine. Armor Labs have been producing their animal derived extract from as early as the 1930s. When the pharmaceutical companies started producing synthetic thyroid extract in the late 1950s, they swamped the market. Physicians stopped prescribing the natural thyroid extract: now it is pretty difficult to find.

At the same time, bromide ingestion has grown tremendously. Bromide is an iodine antagonist. It is to be found in soft drinks, white bread, toothpaste, fluoridated drinking water, beauty products and hair dyes. Up until the 1970s potassium iodide was added to bread, thanks to Wolff-Chaikoff the practice ceased; it was replaced by potassium bromide. No wonder the thyroid problem has blown up like a balloon. Oh, I haven't mentioned increased radiation levels either! There is also the question of fluoride and chlorine added to drinking water. These halogens are iodine antagonists, too!

In view of all of this information, everybody needs to increase iodine intake. Eating Wakame seaweed is an excellent remedy, as is eating mussels and seafood. But you require quite a lot as a recommended daily dose to prevent low thyroid and excessive radiation, would be in the region of 30mg. If you have any doubts, it is never recommended to self-prescribe but instead go and see your health care practitioner who will check the problem out for you.

Alister Bredee is a freelance author specializing in articles on health related topics. He is a health care practitioner and partner in the Health Ambit Consultancy. He lives in Thailand, is available for consultations and can be contacted via his website: http://www.healthambit.com/. He publishes a regular blog and Health Ambit Consultancy has a page on Facebook. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Health-Ambit-Consultancy/121188917919338

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Hypothyroidism and Hormonal Imbalances

Our thyroid gland is responsible for producing thyroid hormones through the use of iodine found usually in bread, salt, as well as seafood. One common condition affecting thyroid's is called hypothyroidism. This condition is very common that according to survey, more or less 5% of the population has some form of it. Also, according to surveys, hypothyroidism occurs in more women rather than men and as the age increases, the number of affected women increases, too.

When a certain person has hypothyroidism, he or she has abnormally low thyroid hormone production. Thyroid hormones are necessary for the development of mind and body of babies while for older people, thyroid hormones are essential for metabolism. When there is hypothyroidism, many other disorders may occur in a person's body.

There are several causes of hypothyroidism in adults and this list includes thyroid destruction, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, lymphocytic thyroiditis, pituitary or hypothalamic disease, medications and massive iodine deficiency.

In the US, the most common reason of hypothyroidism is called Hashimoto's thyroiditis. The condition is derived from the name of Dr. Hakaru Hashimoto, the first doctor to describe it. When you have this condition, your thyroid gland, more commonly called as goiter, is bigger than usual and your thyroid now cannot produce as much hormones as it usually does. Hashimoto's can be an inherited condition.

Another cause of hypothyroidism is called lymphocytic thyroiditis. This condition usually occurs after pregnancy wherein inflammation of thyroid gland happens. The inflammation is caused by lymphocyte, a certain type of white blood cell so it is called as lymphocytic thyroiditis. This condition can last up top 6 months.

Those people who have undergone radioactive iodine may suffer malfunctioning thyroid tissue or in some cases, no functioning thyroid tissue at all. If this situation continues the result will be hypothyroidism.

The thyroid glands are also one of the primary glands along with hypothalamus and pituitary glands that are responsible for producing reproductive hormones. When the thyroid glands fail to function, hormonal imbalance occurs and if not addressed properly, female infertility may result. All these primary glands may be affected due to changes in weight, stress, medication.

Most of the time, it is hard to determine whether a person already has hypothyroidism. These symptoms are not very specific so it is hard to recognize them. The symptoms only become more visible if the condition is already getting worse. Simple symptoms include fatigue, depression, dry hair and constipation. On the other hand, severe conditions show puffiness around the eyes, heart rate is slower and there's a drop in body temperature.

Dr. Jonathan Berns, D.C. helps people everyday in the Tampa, Florida area overcome the very misunderstood and often mistreated conditions caused from dysfunctional thyroids. Visit Tampa Thyroid Program at Integrative Physical Medicine of Tampa to learn more about thyroid management.

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Hypothyroidism - Running Low on Two Very Similar Yet Different Molecules Called T4 and T3?

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Two powerful and important molecules course through our blood stream, affecting every part the body on a cellular level. They are the two hormones created inside the Thyroid Gland, both of which are built upon the same amino acid and are nearly identical in structure. They are called Thyroxine and triiodothyronine. Don't gloss over; they are simply abbreviated T4 and T3. The difference: T4 has four iodine atoms where T3 has only three, hence their names. These molecules can also be manufactured in a lab to produce drugs such as Synthroid (synthetic T4.) Animals also produce them.

T4 is more abundant making up about 80% of what the thyroid creates, whereas T3 represents only 20% but is roughly four times as powerful. What's more, T3 is the "active" hormone that the body really wants and needs.

T3 is responsible for a whole host of vital functions and affects nearly every physiological process. These include growth, development, heart rate, metabolism, and body temperature. But T3 lives hard and dies young; its half life is about 2.5 days. T4 has a steadying effect with its longer half life of 5 to 7 days. While T3 is busy coursing through the blood taking care of every cell of the body directly, T4 is taking on an indirect role as a T3 reservoir by continuously converting into T3 inside the liver and other tissues. This process occurs when enzymes called deiodinase remove one iodine atom from each T4 molecule. This ensures a constant, metered supply of T3 to the cells of the body independent of what the thyroid directly secretes.

If your thyroid isn't pumping out enough of these two crucial hormones then you have a condition called Hypothyroidism. This problem is also referred to as having an under active thyroid. These hormones are vital to the cells of your body and directly control a plethora of vital body functions.

Your quality of life may be diminished significantly if you suffer from Hypothyroidism. In the most severe cases (very rare) a person can die from this disease. It is a complication called Myxedema Coma. Don't worry, if you're able to read this, you're probably in no danger of Myxedema Coma, but it is the end result of the body being continuously starved of vital thyroid hormones.

Symptoms of Hypothyroidism, as well as symptom intensity, will vary among individuals, often dependent upon the degree to which your thyroid is"under active". In many cases the onset of hypothyroidism is gradual; you may be unaware that you are sick. The symptoms can be subtle, but once realized, will leave little doubt that you're body is suffering for lack of T4 and T3.

Some symptoms include:

-A grayish look; a pale ashen hue has de-toned your skin and you look like death warmed over. You may not realize it, but once you get well and are euthyroid (normal thyroid hormone levels), you'll look at photographs of yourself from your hypothyroid days and won't believe your eyes.

-Puffiness that is especially noticeable in the face, making you seem heavier than you are.

-Weight Gain because your metabolism has slowed.

-Dry skin

-Brittle hair

-Hair loss.

-Constipation or hard stools.

-Feeling cold, especially at night; you need more blankets than others.

-Cold hands

-Loss of patience, snappy, easily agitated. This is because you're coping skills are shot as your body attempts to cope with its own internal problem.

-You don't feel good. It is taking all your energy just to exist.

-Joint pain.

-Tendonitis in joints.

-Inability for joints to heal from normal wear and tear.

-Heavy limbs: Remember when you were a kid and you tried on those Velcro exercise weights from the 80's? People strapped them around their ankles or wrists to jazzercise to Olivia Newton John. It may feel like you're wearing them now, and you may be so used to the feeling of wearing them, that you don't realize how heavy your limbs feel. Remember though, after an hour of two, when you removed the weights it felt like your arms or legs were so light they might float away? Get ready, because once you're thyroid hormone levels return to normal you'll feel it again.

-Muscle knots

-Waves of prickly, pinching feelings in your body.



-Trouble concentrating

-Brain fog.


-Loss of interest in activities you once enjoyed

-Loss of interest in activities you hate

-Loss of interest in activities

-Loss of interest

-Laziness: You just don't feel like taking the two steps back to the fridge to put the mayonnaise back, you'll get to it tomorrow.

In some cases your thyroid may be producing a technically correct amount of T4 and T3 but your pituitary gland is having to scream extra loud at your Thyroid Gland to get it to work. This communication between pituitary and thyroid gland is accomplished with Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) emitted by the pituitary gland to spur the thyroid into action when hormone levels get low. When T4 and T3 levels are within the correct range, but TSH is elevated, it is referred to as Sub Clinical Hypothyroidism. Those with Sub Clinical Hypothyroidism may be experiencing symptoms as well.

Hypothyroidism is completely curable and the damage is largely reversible. Patients nearly always have a prognosis for a long and healthy life. Treatment is simple and usually consists of taking medication once a day to augment the thyroid gland in its hormone production. Synthroid for example is a brand name medication in tablet form consisting of Synthetic T4. There are also animal derived tablets such as Amour brand available which will consist of both T4 and T3. Synthetic T3 exists also, but is less commonly prescribed.

By Nick Sulkowski an airline pilot living in Phoenix AZ. who has hypothyroidism but is flourishing with treatment.

Please visit my website http://thyroid-hype.com/ I really hope you'll register and join the FORUMS so we can begin a discussion and learn from one another.

http://thyroid-hype.com/ "Where Knowledge and Community equal Healing"

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How The Thyroid Works

The thyroid is the gland that is in charge of regulating processes related to the body's metabolic functions. It is a butterfly-shaped gland located near the throat which is controlled by the pituitary gland that is in charge of the endocrine (hormones) system.

Since the thyroid is in charge of the regulation of an individual's metabolism, it affects the growth of the individual as well as its proper maturation. The thyroid gland is also responsible for regulating the use of energy inside the body, the production of proteins, and the body's general reaction and sensitivity to other hormones being produced for the overall needs of a body.

The thyroid makes hormones that are responsible for the regulation of the metabolic functions and proper energy use. These hormones are triiodothyronine (T3) and tetraiodothyronine or thyroxine (T4).

The thyroid is the gland that processes iodine taken from the digestive system to produce the previously mentioned hormones. The epithelial cells found in the thyroid uses the iodine to produce the thyroid hormones mentioned above.

Iodine is an important substance for the production of thyroid hormone. If a body lacks the sufficient amount of iodine that the thyroid needs, this may lead to a condition called hypothyroidism. This is one of two of the most common problems of the thyroid.

The body cannot produce iodine on its own. To have proper amounts of iodine inside the body, intake of food rich with iodine helps the thyroid gland produce the hormones needed to regulate the body's metabolism.

Common Problems of the Thyroid Gland

Hashimoto's thyroiditis also known as Hashimoto's disease is an auto immune condition where the thyroid gets inflamed which could also eventually lead to hypothyroidism. People with hypothyroidism can have weight gain as a symptom due to a slower metabolism rate because of the lack of thyroid hormones produced.

The second most common problem that the thyroid has is called hyperthyroidism or excessive production of the thyroid hormone. When this happens, metabolism goes too quickly and symptoms like diarrhea or weight loss can be observed.

People with hyperthyroidism can also notice more hair falling out than usual. The overproduction of thyroid hormones can be caused by another auto immune disease known as Grave's disease which affects the thyroid tissues.

Inflammation of the thyroid which happens when one has hypothyroidism is more noticeable and may manifest as a bump or growth in the neck area. However, when symptoms concerning the function of the thyroid appear, it is best to seek the advice of medical professionals.

Dr. Gerry Hinley, D.C. believes Chiropractic's philosophy that teaches a person could heal from within, without drugs, surgery or their harmful side effects. He opened Integrative Physical Medicine of Chicago, where he has been making changes in peoples lives by helping them overcome and in many cases reverse thyroid dysfunction.

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21 Nisan 2012 Cumartesi

How Pregnancy Affects the Thyroid Gland

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AppId is over the quota

A normal pregnancy causes substantial changes in the thyroid gland interfering with thyroid hormone production. Pregnancy places an increased pressure and demand on the thyroid gland.

In pregnancy, certain hormones and estrogen are produced at higher levels than normal. This will in turn cause an increase in the thyroid hormone levels in the blood. Estrogen on the other hand increases the production of thyroid-binding globulin - the protein responsible for transportation of thyroid hormone in the blood.

These hormone changes and variations do make it thyroid function tests harder to interpret if due to pregnancy hormones or if there is a true thyroid disorder.

As thyroid hormones are critical in baby's brain and nervous system development, pregnant women need more iodine. They need at least 250 mcg per day as there is not enough iodine in prenatal vitamins.

In persons without previous thyroid problems, pregnancy may or may not result in a full-blown thyroid disease. But in persons with previous thyroid problems, this extra demand of pregnancy on the thyroid gland may cause a more serious clinical disease and will need extra care by the physician.

Hyperthyroidism in Pregnancy

Hyperthyroidism diagnosis in pregnancy can be quite difficult as there are alterations in the hormones commonly used for diagnosis. The symptoms are just the same with a person who has hyperthyroidism but is not pregnant. There will be fatigue and hair falling out. In pregnant persons, normal pregnancy weight gain will be more difficult.

The most common result of hyperthyroidism in pregnancy is Grave's disease. It is an autoimmune disease that causes too much production of thyroid hormones.

Here are some of the consequences related to hyperthyroidism in pregnancy:

Hyperemesis gravidarum - severe nausea and vomitingMiscarriage or spontaneous abortionPreterm labor/Premature birthLow birth weight babiesStillbirthsPreeclampsiaCongestive heart failureThyroid storm

Mild cases do not require treatment. However, more severe cases might need treatment with propylthiouracil or methimazole.

Hypothyroidism in Pregnancy

The most common cause of hypothyroidism in pregnancy is Hashimoto's disease. Similar with Grave's disease, Hashimoto's thyroiditis alters the hormone production.

Hypothyroidism in pregnancy could be due to an existing undiagnosed thyroid disorder or hyperthyroidism treatment resulting in prior treatment of removal of the thyroid gland. Symptoms could be extreme fatigue, muscle cramps, constipation, and memory problems.

Here are some of the consequences related to hypothyroidism in pregnancy:

Congestive heart failurePreeclampsiaMiscarriageLow birth weightStillbirthsAnemia

Hypothyroidism treatment in pregnancy is usually through intake of a synthetic thyroxine. Thyroid medications are known to be safe for use during pregnancy.

Dr. Jonathan Berns, D.C. helps people everyday in the Tampa, Florida area overcome the very misunderstood and often mistreated conditions caused from dysfunctional thyroids. Visit Tampa Thyroid Program at Integrative Physical Medicine of Tampa to learn more about thyroid management.

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How Is Hashimoto's Thyroiditis Treated?

Hashimoto's disease, also known as Hashimoto's thyroiditis is an auto immune disease that causes inflammation of the thyroid gland. The thyroid gland which is part of the body's endocrine system is in charge of regulating the body's energy use, production of proteins, and regulation of the body's metabolism. This gland produces the thyroid hormone which is important for the body's proper growth and development.

Hashimoto's disease is also known as chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis. When the body has this auto immune disease, antibodies are made to attack the thyroid gland as if it were a foreign matter which is bad for the body. This damages the gland and affects the production of the thyroid hormone.

This auto immune disease is the leading cause of hypothyroidism where the thyroid fails to produce the proper amount of thyroid hormone that the body needs. Individuals who have Hashimoto's thyroiditis may experience symptoms similar to hypothyroidism, but in times, they may have bouts of hyperthyroidism as well where the inflamed thyroid produces too much of the thyroid hormone.

Hashimoto's thyroiditis is more common in women and can show up after pregnancy. To detect whether a person has Hashimoto's disease, a blood workup is needed to check for the antibody levels in the blood. That simple test can help provide a diagnosis for the condition and can help determine which treatment would work best.

People with Hashimoto's experience symptoms very similar to those of hypothyroidism. These are: depression, weight gain, brittle hair causing hair falling out, constipation, cramps, and swelling of the legs among other symptoms. If one suspects himself having this disease, a consult with the doctor is advised.

Treatments for Hashimoto's thyroiditis include: hormone replacement therapy, or intake of prescribed medications. In hormone replacement therapy, synthetic hormones that can help regulate the production of the thyroid hormone are given to patients with Hashimoto's. When the gland is permanently damaged, hormone replacement therapy may be needed for life.

Medications can include iodine supplements to help balance out the needed levels of iodine for proper levels of thyroid hormone production. The thyroid needs iodine to produce the thyroid hormone, and insufficient amounts can cause problems for the gland.

When tremendous damage has occurred, the gland may have difficulty converting the iodine into its needed form and that is where medications come in. Always remember though, that proper diagnosis of Hashimoto's disease is needed before any of the treatments for it is used.

Dr. Jonathan Berns, D.C. helps people everyday in the Tampa, Florida area overcome the very misunderstood and often mistreated conditions caused from dysfunctional thyroids. Visit Tampa Thyroid Program at Integrative Physical Medicine of Tampa to learn more about thyroid management.

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