What is Thyroid Gland; article that the thyroid, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, thyroid gland function, thyroid can find answers to such questions.
29 Nisan 2012 Pazar
Why Did Your Thyroid Gland Die?
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People all across the country are being told on a daily basis that their thyroid gland just died or stopped working. Some patients just accept this without question. Others ask how this could happen. The usual response by their doctor is that it is just something that happens. Almost as if the thyroid gland was a light switch that could just be turned off.
Thyroid glands do not just stop working and die for no apparent reason. It is usually a slow process that takes years until one day you go to your doctor continuing to complain of thyroid symptoms and they run a TSH and you get the bad news. It is well published that the number one cause for thyroid dysfunction is an auto immune disease called Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. This means that the body has lost self tolerance. It attacks healthy thyroid tissue and destroys it as if it was a foreign invader. This destruction leads to less and less of healthy thyroid tissue leading to less release of the needed hormones. It is estimated that 85-95% of all people with hypothyroidism have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis.
Most people have never heard of Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. Even though it is the most common reason for hypothyroidism, it is rarely ever checked. Part of that is because it is considered as "waste" of resources in the HMO medical insurance model. There is no reason to test for it if you are not going to treat it any differently than primary hypothyroidism. The standard medical treatment is to give hormone replacement until the thyroid gland "dies" or "burns out" and then keep the patient on thyroid meds because they no longer are able to produce their own.
There are few flaws to that type of treatment. First, the majority of time the thyroid gland is not the only tissue that is being attacked by the body. Research shows that areas in the brain, gut, and pancreas have a high prevalence of being attacked in patients with Hashimoto's. Taking thyroid hormone replacement does nothing for the attack and destruction of these tissues. Second, it does not address the attack on the thyroid gland. It just replaces what the gland is no longer able to release. The thyroid gland is left defenseless against the auto immune process that is destroying it. Another reason this treatment has a flaw is because it does not address the cytokines that block the thyroid receptor sites. This means that even though you are taking the medications, they may not be able to be bound to the sites they are intended to because a cytokine is blocking it. This, along with the above reasons is why the patient can still feel terrible even though they are taking their medications as prescribed.
So if you have been told your thyroid gland died or stopped working, ask your doctor to explain why. Make sure you have had the proper testing including a complete thyroid panel and thyroid antibody tests run. The antibody tests will catch 80-90% of the patients with Hashimoto's.
Dr. Chris Heimlich is a board certified chiropractic neurologist and treats people from around the world. You can request his free report that explains why 90% of people diagnosed with hypothyroidis will never feel normal with thyroid hormone replacement alone at: http://scottsdalethyroiddoctor.com/
View the original article here
25 Nisan 2012 Çarşamba
Understanding the Human Thyroid Gland
The thyroid gland is a gland located at the bottom part of the neck and is wrapped around the windpipe. It is responsible for producing and storing thyroid hormones that regulate body temperature, heart rate, blood pressure and the rate of conversion of food into energy.
The thyroid uses iodine, a mineral usually found in iodized salt, to make its hormones. Lack of iodine in the body may lead to thyroid diseases like goiter.
Common Thyroid Diseases
A dysfunctional thyroid gland may lead to some diseases like hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism and Hashimoto's thyroiditis or Hashimoto's disease.
Hypothyroidism happens when the body produces too little thyroid hormones. Since thyroid hormones are responsible for the rate of metabolism, a slow metabolism plus weight gain is the most common sign of this disease.
Also, people who suffer from hypothyroidism experiences great amounts of hair loss. Hypothyroidism is easily detected through a blood test. More often than not, treatment for this disease is as easy as taking one pill a day. However, it is still best to consult with a physician.
Hyperthyroidism is the total opposite of hypothyroidism. This disease is due to the over production of thyroid hormones. Some of its symptoms include fatigue, increased bowel movements and weight loss.
Hyperthyroidism may also be easily detected through a blood test. Treatments for hyperthyroidism include anti-thyroid drugs, radioactive iodine and surgery to remove some parts of the thyroid gland.
Hashimoto's Thyroiditis
Hashimoto's thyroiditis is more commonly known as Hashimoto's disease. This condition is caused by the inflammation of the thyroid gland. Hashimoto's thyroiditis may lead to hypothyroidism if left untreated. This disease is an autoimmune disease which means that the body's immune system unsuitably attacks the thyroid gland therefore causing inflammation.
Symptoms of this disease are almost the same as hypothyroidism. Unfortunately, there is no known cure for this disease because there are no ways to find out how long will the autoimmune process of the body will continue.
Caring for the Thyroid Gland
As the old saying goes, prevention is always better than cure. What then are the ways to protect the thyroid gland and to keep it healthy?
First thing to do is to have regular levels of iodine in the body. Iodine rich foods include cranberries, organic navy beans, organic strawberries, dairy products, potatoes and iodized salt. Also, some multivitamin supplements with iodine are available in drugstores.
Next, stay away from canned foods which affect the digestive enzymes of the body and may lead to a malfunctioning thyroid.
Lastly, avoid unnecessary exposure to radiation especially during CT scans especially on the head and neck. When dental X-rays need to be performed, make sure you are equipped with a thyroid shield.
Dr. Gerry Hinley, D.C. believes Chiropractic's philosophy that teaches a person could heal from within, without drugs, surgery or their harmful side effects. He opened Integrative Physical Medicine of Chicago, where he has been making changes in peoples lives by helping them overcome and in many cases reverse thyroid dysfunction.
23 Nisan 2012 Pazartesi
Review Of The Thyroid Gland: What It Is And What It Does
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The thyroid gland is a small soft piece of tissue in your neck. It weighs only 15 to 25 grams-less than an ounce. It is often said it is shaped like a shield the word thyroid comes from the Greek for shield. It sits in two halves on either side of your trachea, or windpipe, although, there is a small bridge of tissue joining the halves. Each half, is known as a lobe, and is about 4cm long and 1 to 2cm in width. The bridge of tissue is known as the isthmus. Because your thyroid is connected to the muscles around your throat, it moves when you swallow. You cannot feel it normally only when it is swollen or when there is something wrong with it. Your thyroid is easiest to feel from behind while you are swallowing. This is why your doctor may have asked you to sit down and drink a cup of water, whilst he or she felt your neck from behind. The thyroid's main role in life is to control how quick your body works. It does this through two hormones that it produces. Hormones are chemicals produced within the body which circulate through the bloodstream and affect particular cells in a particular way. For example, the hormone insulin makes the thyroid easier for cells to absorb the glucose they need for their energy. The female hormone oestrogen affects the uterus and many other parts of a woman's body to give her the normal female characteristics.
The male hormone testosterone controls men's gender attributes. If the thyroid gland just secreted hormones when it felt like it, your life would be a rollercoaster ride of too much, then too little, then too much again. Some control is needed. That comes from the brain. A small part of the centre of your brain known as the hypothalamus secretes a chemical known as TRH, or thyrotropin releasing hormone. TRH travels to the pituitary, which is a small gland sitting at the bottom of your brain, and stimulates the release of the thyroid-stimulating hormone. TSH is also sometimes called thyrotropin. TSH then travels through the blood supply to the thyroid, where it rouses the production and release of the thyroid hormones. About 1 in 40 people to America have some sort of problem with their thyroid. There are two different types of problems you can have. One type of problem occurs if your thyroid grows abnormally, or forms a lump. The other type of problem occurs if your thyroid starts working too fast or too slow. Sometimes these problems occur together. At other times, you can have one type of problem without the other. If your thyroid is working properly but looks abnormal, you might or might not need to have any treatment. That is a topic for you and your doctor to decide. If your thyroid is not working properly, your whole body metabolism is thrown out of kilter, and you will need to see your doctor for some medical attention. If your thyroid is working too hard, everything in your body speeds up. That is known as hyperthyroidism. "Hyper"comes from the Greek, meaning "over", "beyond" or "over much". If it is working too slowly, your metabolism slows down. That is known as hypothyroidism, "Hypo, also, comes from the Greek, meaning under".
Are you having problems with your thyroid gland, pituitary gland or any other thyroid symptoms? Then I would highly recommend taking a visit to this link http://www.vitaminssupplementsnutritionalmedicines.info/
21 Nisan 2012 Cumartesi
How Pregnancy Affects the Thyroid Gland
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A normal pregnancy causes substantial changes in the thyroid gland interfering with thyroid hormone production. Pregnancy places an increased pressure and demand on the thyroid gland.
In pregnancy, certain hormones and estrogen are produced at higher levels than normal. This will in turn cause an increase in the thyroid hormone levels in the blood. Estrogen on the other hand increases the production of thyroid-binding globulin - the protein responsible for transportation of thyroid hormone in the blood.
These hormone changes and variations do make it thyroid function tests harder to interpret if due to pregnancy hormones or if there is a true thyroid disorder.
As thyroid hormones are critical in baby's brain and nervous system development, pregnant women need more iodine. They need at least 250 mcg per day as there is not enough iodine in prenatal vitamins.
In persons without previous thyroid problems, pregnancy may or may not result in a full-blown thyroid disease. But in persons with previous thyroid problems, this extra demand of pregnancy on the thyroid gland may cause a more serious clinical disease and will need extra care by the physician.
Hyperthyroidism in Pregnancy
Hyperthyroidism diagnosis in pregnancy can be quite difficult as there are alterations in the hormones commonly used for diagnosis. The symptoms are just the same with a person who has hyperthyroidism but is not pregnant. There will be fatigue and hair falling out. In pregnant persons, normal pregnancy weight gain will be more difficult.
The most common result of hyperthyroidism in pregnancy is Grave's disease. It is an autoimmune disease that causes too much production of thyroid hormones.
Here are some of the consequences related to hyperthyroidism in pregnancy:
Hyperemesis gravidarum - severe nausea and vomitingMiscarriage or spontaneous abortionPreterm labor/Premature birthLow birth weight babiesStillbirthsPreeclampsiaCongestive heart failureThyroid stormMild cases do not require treatment. However, more severe cases might need treatment with propylthiouracil or methimazole.
Hypothyroidism in Pregnancy
The most common cause of hypothyroidism in pregnancy is Hashimoto's disease. Similar with Grave's disease, Hashimoto's thyroiditis alters the hormone production.
Hypothyroidism in pregnancy could be due to an existing undiagnosed thyroid disorder or hyperthyroidism treatment resulting in prior treatment of removal of the thyroid gland. Symptoms could be extreme fatigue, muscle cramps, constipation, and memory problems.
Here are some of the consequences related to hypothyroidism in pregnancy:
Congestive heart failurePreeclampsiaMiscarriageLow birth weightStillbirthsAnemiaHypothyroidism treatment in pregnancy is usually through intake of a synthetic thyroxine. Thyroid medications are known to be safe for use during pregnancy.
Dr. Jonathan Berns, D.C. helps people everyday in the Tampa, Florida area overcome the very misunderstood and often mistreated conditions caused from dysfunctional thyroids. Visit Tampa Thyroid Program at Integrative Physical Medicine of Tampa to learn more about thyroid management.
16 Nisan 2012 Pazartesi
Cigarette Smoking and Thyroid Disease
Let's look at the answers.
Back in 1996, as I was diagnosed hypothyroid after quitting the Usenet news group forother women, anecdotal information has been sent a request to the thyroid. (I stopped smoking in July of 1995, and was not too long after that I was diagnosed with thyroid status. Me to explore the relationship between thyroid disease and smoking why.)
Said the women had the same experience I received a large number of responses: they are diagnosed with hypothyroidism after quitting a long time, and more interested. At that time, I am in contact with these questions and the American Thyroid Foundation,said there is some research on the relationship between smoking and thyroid. Outlined in an article in their newsletter, sent me some of the research. Here is a recap of some of the findings.
Non-Absolutely Thyroid Damage
First, the tobacco smoke contains substances that affect the function of the thyroid.Research shows that smokers are more likely to have thyroid enlargement and mildthyroid enlargement in smokers may be signs of thyroid disorder can be subtle.According to a January 27, the American Medical Association, non-Journal, 1993 articlesmokers are twice as likely to develop Graves' disease. Cigarette smoking alsoapparently worsens eye problems in people with Graves' disease.
13 Nisan 2012 Cuma
Thyroid Gland Function Symptoms and Treatments
Some things are under active thyroid fails if it can cause hypothyroidism.
First, the symptoms of hypothyroidism include:
Loss of libido
Dry and Itchy Skin
Thyroid Function does not work once you discover what will happen?
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You can find the right resources and the online is up to you with the tools to maximize the function of the thyroid gland. Thyroid problem and resolve it can regain a better quality of life.
Definition of Thyroid gland
The thyroid gland trachea (windpipe) is wrapped around the bottom of the neckbelow the Adam's apple. Interconnected by a middle part of the two wings (lobes)has the shape of a butterfly